About me

My name is Stefania, I live in Florence and I work in Tuscany as a tour guide. Florence is my birthplace, my home and the town that I love!

I introduce myself Stefania Fioravanti

Describing Florence

is a true challenge: not so many towns in the world are as rich in history, culture and charm as Florence is. While visiting Florence, you can start a passionate journey of thrilling events and anecdotes that made it a unique city in the world, catching the reason why it became the “cradle of Renaissance”, and in order to feel this atmosphere, you need to be taken by the hand and let yourselves be guided into this treasure of art and culture, possibly without rush.

This is what I’m striving to do with my guests. Guiding them by hand and having a full immersion of stories of this town, letting them experience by using their imagination, the feel of how it is like to be with Michelangelo, Leonardo, Dante… Those “superstars” that have marked the past and the future of this town. You will surely enjoy being guided.
