The Pitti Palace

This massive palace belonged originally to the Pitti family, but it became later the third and last of the Medici’s Palace.

The Pitti Palace

per person

We will enter into the biggest of the Florentine palaces, bought by Eleonora di Toledo as third and last Medici’s palace, where the family lived until the end of the dinasty. After them this became the main residence of other two dinasties: the Lorraine and the Savoy. This majestic palace had several changes during its story, and today hosts some of the most charming and interesting museums of Florence

Together we will visit the wonderful Palatine Gallery, the Medici’s Princes Gallery of paintings which includes the largest concentration of Raffaello’s artworks in the world, besides other important artists such as Andrea del Sarto, Tiziano, Caravaggio and Rubens.

To book call + 39 339 4490762 or fill in the form.

For info about prices click here. Duration about 1h30

On request we can add at the tour in the Palatine gallery the visit at the Boboli garden, one of the most beautiful and elegant example of Italian garden, full of charm and history.
Duration about 2h30

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We will admire wonderful paintings by Raffaello such as the “Madonna of the chair”, or the “Woman with veil” .
We will also look at some important artists of the florentine school such as Andrea del Sarto and Filippo Lippi, and of the venetian school such as Titian.
You will see the hall where the first fashion show was performed.